On Friday, 7 June 2024, Dr Detlev Schulz and Rev. Samuel Wirgau completed a two week intensive course at LTS. Dr Schulz serves as lecturer at the Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, USA, as well as secretary-general of the ILC. Dr Schulz was raised in South Africa, and his father was the first bishop of the LCSA. One of the houses on the seminary is named after his father. He was teaching on Anthropology and Sin.

Rev. Wirgau is the senior pastor of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church and School (LCMS). He also serves on the board of the Saint Philip Lutheran Mission Society (SPLMS), our faithful donors from the USA. You can support the work of the SPLMS here. Rev. Wirgau taught Christian Dogmatics, using the book “Saving Truth” by Kurt Marquart as basis.

It was a great privilege having these two guest lecturers teaching our students and spending time with our lecturing staff. We were all blessed by their presence. As LTS, we thank them for coming to our seminary, and towards their role in training faithful confessional Lutheran pastors at our seminary. May God continue to bless the work they are doing.

Below are two more photos. On one, the LTS lecturing staff is having a coffee break with our guests outside in the sun, as it is winter in South Africa now. On the other present, student Daniel Wowa presented small gifts to our guests at the closing braai.